Saving Calculator

Calculate your Personal & Environmental Savings by Using Hunda Electric Vehicle

Input Data to calculate Savings by using Hunda Electric Vehicle

No. of Scooters/Motorcycles Used

Average Daily Travel (Kms)

Petrol Price (Rs.)

Years of Usage

What Savings you made personally?

Petrol Consumed (Litres)

Petrol Cost Saved (Rs)

Electricity Consumed in Charging (Rs)

Maintenace Cost of I.C. Engine 2-Wheeler

Maintenace Cost of Electric 2-Wheeler

Maintenance Cost Saved by Using Electric 2-Wheeler (Rs.)

Total Savings by using Electric 2-Wheeler (Rs.)

What Savings you made for your Environment?

CO2 + Green house gases produced in generating electricity used for charging (Kg)

CO2 + Other Green house gases reduced by not using Petrol (Kg)

Net CO2+Green House Gases reduced (Kg)

Equivalent to No. of Full Grown Plants